Brazilian Butt Lift
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Baltimore, Columbia, Ellicott City and Maryland

If your backside lacks definition and firmness, then a Brazilian butt lift may be the perfect solution for you.
By removing unwanted fat deposits from your belly, thighs, or hips, Dr. Daniel Markmann can transform the dimensions of your derriere. Your own fat cells are relocated to your buttocks to create a full, round profile. Brazilian Butt Lifts simultaneously trim your bulges and emphasize your curves in all the right places.
The Brazilian Butt Lift is not just about making a “Bigger Butt”. It is about sculpting your figure, slimming the waistline, flattening your belly and enhancing the “S” curve of your lower back and buttocks. Plus, a BBL fills out your buttocks/hips where needed or all over, depending on your own needs and desires.
Dr. Markmann has perfected the “Markmann Method” for his patients in the Baltimore area. Conveniently located to serve Baltimore, Columbia, Ellicott City and the surrounding Maryland region, Dr. Markmann gets astounding results and rave reviews. To benefit from his aesthetic expertise, schedule your Brazilian butt lift procedure at Metamorphosis Plastic Surgery.
The “Markmann Method”
Dr Markmann performed his first BBL procedure back in 1997. He was one of the first two Plastic Surgeons in America (known to him) to perform this procedure. Since that time, Dr. Markmann has had patients fly in to his Ellicott City, Maryland office from around the world to have their BBL performed using the Markmann Method.
Patients have come to him from Australia, Africa, Hong Kong, China, all over Europe and Canada, as well as from all across the USA. This is because Dr. Markmann’s technique really works!
What makes his technique so reliable? It is a combination of how he removes the fat, how he processes and purifies the fat, and how he injects the fat. Dr. Markmann also provides caring, comprehensive instructions to his patients. This technique definitely takes longer, but the results…? Nothing compares! And, the most important of all is the safety of this technique!
Dr. Markmann performs the BBL procedure at a local hospital, where you will spend the night in a private room. This allows Dr. Markmann to remove more fat than if you were going home afterwards, but it also makes the procedure more comfortable and safer! While in the hospital, you will have access to better pain medications, better anti-nausea medications, and better antibiotics. This is all in addition to having the peace of mind of being in the hospital where you have doctors and nurses around all the time to address any of your concerns.
The Markmann Method definitely takes longer and is more expensive but, when it comes to safety and consistent results, it’s well worth it. Dr. Markmann is dedicated to providing the best results possible, as safely as possible! Dr. Markmann’s motto is: Striving to Be the Best and Safest, Not the Cheapest.
About the Brazilian Butt Lift
Dr. Markmann takes a careful, precise approach to autologous grafting. [1] This is the practice of reconstructing the shape and size of a body part by reorganizing its fat deposits. In the case of the rear end, autologous grafting removes bulges from the waistline (abdomen, back rolls, hip flanks, etc.) and concentrates them in the areas of your buttocks where you desire more fullness . The effect is a “lifted” look that raises the contours of your behind.
Traditional Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
In the classic version of a Brazilian butt lift procedure, Dr. Markmann uses liposuction to shrink your own unwanted fat reserves. He then uses this fat to create the desired look in your buttocks. Every client is unique, so the traditional BBL approach may be ideal for you. If not, Dr. Markmann may recommend one of the following alternative methods.
Gluteal Implants
Some people simply do not have enough excess fat to make the traditional BBL approach work. In these cases, Dr. Markmann can craft implants to enhance your physique. Gluteal implants are placed symmetrically on either side of your buttocks. They are built to fill your buttocks, providing projection and/or a more rounded appearance, creating a pleasing silhouette.
Combined Gluteoplasty
Some patients want the best of both worlds. In these cases, Dr. Markmann can use both implants and your own fat to create an overall lift dynamic. [2] To determine which BBL technique is best for your physiology, book a consultation with our helpful support staff.
Before and After Photos
What sets Brazilian butt lifts apart from other procedures is that it truly is a combination of two complementary objectives. The liposuction portion of the treatment slims and contours your lines, enhancing your curves and accentuating your buttocks. Then the fat that was removed is injected into your buttocks to give you the added volume and shape that you desire.
Dr. Markmann can help you attain that beach body you have always wanted!
The ideal candidate for this procedure should have a healthy skin tone. Patients with loose skin may not be the best candidates for a Brazilian butt lift. To address any excess skin issues, please consult our Complementary Procedures section below.
If you are unhappy with the contours of your backside, then Metamorphosis Plastic Surgery is the destination for you. Find us in Ellicott City, Maryland, just minutes from Baltimore. Call one of our attentive staff members and get started on your road to aesthetic improvement.
Book Your Personal Consultation
During the initial consultation, your body will be assessed so that it can be determined where to perform liposuction. Dr. Markmann will need to extract the necessary amount of fat needed to perform the transfer. Multiple donor sites may be considered. Every consultation is conducted with the utmost respect and discretion.
To learn more about our methods, expertise, and considerable experience, please visit our Blog. We appreciate the opportunity to communicate directly with our Baltimore neighbors with every post.
During your consultation, you will be given comprehensive instructions on how to prepare for the day of your procedure. Each protocol is designed around your health records and enhancement goals.
Dr. Markmann will advise you to get whatever medications you may need in advance of your Brazilian butt lift procedure.
In the weeks leading up to your procedure, you may be asked to stop taking Vitamin E, fish oil, or other supplements that may interfere with recovery. We also recommend that you quit smoking, as nicotine products affect circulation, fat survival and general wellness.
A Brazilian butt lift procedure begins with small, carefully placed incisions. These are positioned to be hidden by a bathing suit or underwear. Even in the most intimate circumstances, nobody should see your incision marks. Because these Brazilian butt lift incisions are so small, scarring after the procedure is minimal.
Unwanted fat is typically removed from the flank areas along with the waistline and abdomen to lift the buttocks and provide a more youthful appearance. The fat will then be injected through a syringe into the buttocks. Dr. Markmann is an expert at achieving a healthy, effective transfer. This process will take place over several steps, and many layers may be used until the desired result is achieved.
A Brazilian butt lift is considered an outpatient procedure and is performed under general anesthesia at a local hospital. Using Dr. Markman’s method, the entire surgery typically takes about 6 hours to complete depending on how many donor sites are used and how many layers it takes to achieve the desired fullness.
Following surgery, patients are encouraged to relax and focus on a peaceful recovery. They should avoid stress and strain, but may be asked to gradually increase their physical activity. Dr. Markmann can explain in greater detail how the recovery from a Brazilian butt lift should be navigated.
BBL recipients will experience swelling and bruising in both the fat removal areas as well as on the buttocks. Dr. Markmann recommends a period of 3 weeks of no sitting and minimizing bending at the hip. Dr. Markmann recommends a compression garment to aid in the healing process, minimizing swelling and maximizing fat survival.
If you have any questions about your recovery, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.
It will take about 3 months to see the full results of your new contour and shape. During that time, you will notice dramatic curves, a more pronounced silhouette, and overall aesthetic improvement.
Complementary Procedures
A Brazilian butt lift from Baltimore’s own Dr. Markmann will achieve remarkable results! However, if this procedure is not ideal for you, you may need to take an additional or different approach to your cosmetic needs. Don’t worry, Dr. Markmann has mastered a wide array of aesthetic disciplines.
If you struggle with loose skin, then a Body Tite procedure may be perfect for you. With only a local anesthetic to assure your optimal comfort, Dr. Markmann will give you a tighter, more elastic look. You can also achieve lovely looking legs with the help of a Thigh Lift, another specialty of Dr. Markmann’s.
To determine if you need a Brazilian butt lift or one of the complementary procedures described above, call (410) 943-2413 and schedule your personalized consultation.
Metamorphosis Plastic Surgery is eager to help realize your enhancement goals. If you have questions about paying for a Brazilian butt lift in Baltimore, please consult our Financing page. We will work to provide you the best care at the right price.
Do Brazilian butt lifts have a bumpy appearance?
If the injections are done correctly, the result will look and feel natural. During the procedure, additional liposuction may be used to help smooth out uneven skin, as well as ensure that the surface has a correct and even contour. It is important to find a reputable and highly-skilled surgeon with special expertise in performing the Brazilian butt lift surgery. Dr. Markmann is an expert in his field, serving the enhancement needs of the Baltimore community with pride.
Should I get a fat transfer or butt implants?
Both techniques are commonly used by plastic surgeons and can achieve great results. Some patients simply do not want a foreign device in their body and feel that the fat transfer method is safe and natural. A disadvantage of fat transfers, however, is that you can never be sure of exactly how much of the fat will survive the transfer. However, using Dr. Markmann’s technique, most of his patients achieve about a 70-90% fat survival, long term. Dr. Markmann has followed many of his BBL patients long term, meaning for over 10 years. He has found that the majority of his patients have the same volume many years after they undergo the BBL procedure as they had about 3 months post-surgery. Some of the injected fat will absorb naturally into the body. But, using Dr. Markmann’s technique, the fat loss is minimal! It is important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each technique during the consultation so the right decision can be made.
What happens if I gain weight?
Weight gain will change your results, for better or worse, depending on your desires. The areas from where fat was removed will most likely NEVER gain as much weight as they would have prior to having the fat removed. Just the opposite is true of your buttocks. If you gain weight after a BBL, your buttocks will tend to get larger than they would have prior to having the BBL. For the best long-term results, patients should maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine.
Is a Brazilian butt lift safe?
Yes. Dr. Markmann has perfected his BBL technique and is ready to meet your cosmetic enhancement needs. If you want a fuller, more defined butt, call our Maryland clinic at (410) 943-2413.
Does a Brazilian butt lift hurt?
No. Dr. Markmann’s team will administer the appropriate anesthetic to keep you comfortable throughout the BBL procedure. Contact our office in the Baltimore area and we can address any concerns you may have regarding your Brazilian butt lift procedure.
- Bellini, Elisa; Grieco, Michele P.; Raposio, Edoardo. (2017) “The science behind autologous fat grafting”. Annals of medicine and surgery (2012). 2017 Dec; 24: 65–73. Published online 2017, Nov 10.
- Cárdenas-Camarena, Lázaro M.D.; Paillet, Juan Carlos M.D. (2007) “Combined Gluteoplasty: Liposuction and Gluteal Implants”. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: March 2007 – Volume 119 – Issue 3 – p 1067-1074.